Saturday, October 17, 2015

Reflection on Project 2 Draft

In the following blog post I will reflect on my project 2 draft.

FastilyClone. "untitled". 1977. Public Domain. 

For the peer editing section of the draft, I edited Alyssa and Ayra's blogs.

  • I have an identifiable thesis in my intro paragraph, I point out specific rhetorical strategies such as the use of acknowledging counter arguments, appealing to values shared by the audience, and the use of specific examples.
  • My essay contains a central point and each body paragraph contains evidence and more elaboration and analysis of the three rhetorical strategies I outlined in my thesis. 
  • I identified the 5 elements of the rhetorical situation however I did not directly state each one and clearly analyze them. My analysis can be more clear on the identification of each specific rhetorical element. 
  • I have explored how and why each rhetorical strategy was used and I kept in mind how it would affect the author's intended audience. The author's audience was architects so for example I explored how the use of images is appealing to an architect as we have very visual minds. 
  • I have direct quotes, paraphrasing, and a little bit of summary in my rhetorical analysis so my paragraphs are sufficiently filled with evidence. 
  • I have not left my reader wanting more and I do not have a so what or a conclusion yet. This needs to be improved on. 

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