Saturday, October 31, 2015

My Rhetorical Action Plan

In the following post I will develop a rhetorical action plan for my public argument.

Jankowski, Jessica. "Screenshot". 3 Nov. 2015. 

Audience: Architects
They know everything about the topic however they will side against me (side with the architects) as I am arguing that Architects need to be more aware/change their ways. Evidence such as use of specific examples and lots of pictures and/or video will suit this audience best. I am encouraging my audience to take action by changing their ways and reevaluating their own work habits.


Blog Post with PICTURES!
This genre will hopefully help persuade my audience what they are doing wrong to help fix the problem. The setting is on an architectural website online. I can use the rhetorical appeals of ethos and logos, in addition to many many photos. This type needs to be more formal conversational than informal (think business dinner) so that readers respect me yet can still relate and don't feel like I am talking down to them.
 2 Examples:

It Met uses modular panels to create flexible workspace for Buenos Aires ad agency

Gwangju Biennale Support Center / IROJE Architects & Planners

This genre will persuade what my audience is doing wrong to help fix the problem. The setting is an online website that streams a podcast. Podcasts are hard because they are rare in the architectural world, however lectures are popular and podcasts are very similar. This type is very informal so I don't know if it will be as convincing to my listeners. Also, podcasts leave out visual information which is the KEY to my audience-visuals. Podcast is a no go.
2 Examples:

Design Matters


Positive Reactions:
Architects strive to fit parameters better, improve design while remaining conscious of the clients needs, improve quality of design through creative thought rather than money-hungry ideas.

Negative Rebuttals:
The belief that celebrity architects have design freedom they can use without considering budget, architects cant be creative if they fit all the constraints, bigger architecture is better.

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