Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Audience and Genre

In the following blog post I will be writing about the audience and mode of engagement I should present my argument to.
Rozhkov, Dmitry. "2013 World Championships in Athletics".  10 Aug. 2013. Public Domain.
Two or three targeted groups of individual who might be an audience for my next project are architects, fans of Zaha Hadid, and athletes/individuals who are planning on competing or spectating at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

The architects and fans of Zaha Hadid are affected by what she does in terms of learning about the impact she has had in Japan's politics and the possibility of her work and stadium being created. Architects are almost always interested in other architect's work. Olympic Athletes would be interested in this because if there was no stadium they couldn't compete or have the same olympic experience as if a new stadium was built successfully.

For the Architects, I would post my work on archdaily.com, dezeen.com, or any architectural blogging website as there are many that many architects browse freely. These websites would have an argument in blog format or QRG website format. However, a more formal article could be written for the Architectural Digest Magazine. For the Athletes, an article on any major website such as The Guardian would work as this subject manner isn't sporty enough for something like Sports Illustrated.

1 comment:

  1. We'd like to see examples of specific argumentative genres from these wonderful websites/platforms you've identified.
