Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ideology in My Controversy

After researching various sources from scholarly to social, I have developed a deeper understanding of the controversy surrounding Tokyo's 2020 olympic stadium project.

The Japanese government is responsible for ditching the stadium design of Zaha Hadid Architects. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced the cancellation and project director at Zaha Hadid Architects Jim Heverin has voiced the firm's disapproval of Japan's decision. Zaha Hadid Architects is responsible for many large scale architectural projects, and the Japanese government has a global influence with the power of the 2020 olympic games.

If the stadium remains scrapped from the olympic budget, Zaha Hadid Architects faces a major embarrassment and loss of revenue. The Japanese government benefits from changing the stadium plans as it was grossly over budget. However, the plan for the stadium was for it to be used when Japan hosts the Rugby World Cup in 2019 and due to the controversy a new stadium will not be built in time.

The stadium's estimated cost of over two billion US dollars was part of the reason why Japan wanted to scrap the project. The architecture firm wanted to build a stadium that would remain for more than 50 years in Japan. If Japan does choose a cheaper stadium option the firm claims it would be more dangerous and will not stand as long.

The Japanese government, while restrained by the olympic committee, holds the all of the power in this controversy. They get the final say on whether or not they will use Zaha Hadid Architect's plans. Both sides know a stadium needs to be built; Zaha Hadid Architects has expressed interest in further revising their plans for the stadium to make it more affordable. However, the Japanese people have had extensive coverage of this controversy and have made the design into a meme; the stadium may never be respected in the same way ever again.
Jankowski, Jessica "Screenshot" 9/5/2015
Jankowski, Jessica "Screenshot" 9/5/2015

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