Friday, December 4, 2015

Revisiting My Writing Process

Unknown. "Architect at his drawing board" 25 May
1893. Public Domain. 

After this class, my writing process is still Sequential Composer and Procrastinator not much has changed. However, I do feel like my understanding of genre and how to write a successful article/argument has improved substantially.

I do enjoy how the peer editing process has allotted about a week of time for me to revisit my writing assignment and make changes before I turn my paper in. However, I cant see myself editing my paper on my own in the future without the help of peers and the allotted time set aside for editing. 

Having to write so many blog posts for every project helped me better understand the purpose of what I was writing. I knew what and why I had to write an assignment and the requirements were really easy for me to see. However, the daunting task of having to write so many blog posts fueled my bad procrastination habit. 

In the future I will probably remain the same type of writer when it comes to big writing assignments such as a multiple page essay or a research project for an elective. However, in employment my writing opportunities will probably be limited to letters and/or emails, so I might not be as much as a procrastinator when it comes to smaller writing tasks. I will need to learn to edit my writing assignments without the need for much help from others, but this course has taught me how to get stuff done even though there is a lot of work to do. 

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