Thursday, November 12, 2015

Project 3 Outline

In the following blog post I will outline my argument

For my introduction, I plan on using the technique of thinking about my situation or Kairos, I will need to move my audience to think about my issue in a specific context and by drawing on my controversy from the Tokyo 2020 stadium, I can convince my audience that planning over budget should be avoided as much as possible.
*I want my readers to consider the argument from the clients/general public's point of view; it is important to consider the magnitude of how architect's considerations can affect other people.
1. Supporting arguments for my position include:

  • over budget=unhappy clients
  • budget is not completely out of the responsibilities of the architect
  • architects have a responsibility to manipulate materials for the best possible outcome
  • public outrage over big projects over budget can cause political stir
2. Major Criticisms:
  • Architects cannot control budget (they give what the client needs and cannot change contracting prices)
  • architects have a responsibility to create livable art at any cost
  • architects who are very popular have a design reputation to uphold
  • clients are responsible for price depending on what they choose to include in the project
3. Key support and rebuttal points with tentative topic sentences:

Over budget=unhappy clients (USE UNSUCCESSFUL EXAMPLES)
  • When going over budget, clients are put in a hard situation as the architect did not do his/her job to deign a plan within the set parameters. 
Budget is not completely out of the responsibilities of the architect: 
  • Architects have a responsibility to provide a building plan that makes their clients happy while still designing creatively; this can be done on budget as long as careful consideration is put into the scale and materials used. 
Public outrage over big projects over budget can cause political stir: (USE CONTROVERSY EXAMPLE)
  • For large scale projects such as the Tokyo 2020 olympic stadium, public outrage over the amount of money spend on a project will leave the client/government with no choice but to abandon your plans, leaving you jobless and the client unhappy. 
Unsuccessful examples:
Successful examples:
Controversy example:

For my conclusion, I will focus on the future of the debate. I will mention that buildings that continue to go over budget will cause a developed loss of trust in architects/buildings. The general public, especially the general public in a shaky economy, will not want to build if they know that it will be outrageously expensive. Architecture is a gift, but it should not venture into the land of inaccessible luxury. 

I looked at both Mehruba's and Trey's Blog posts for their project three outline. They are both further along than me in that they have both written their rough draft and I have not, however both of their outlines didn't contain much information. Hopefully by writing out such simple outlines their ideas weren't affected negatively. I found that although I didn't finish my outline, what I have written was enough for me to gather my ideas and I am ready to start my rough draft. 

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