Friday, August 28, 2015

My Writing Process

My writing process isn't groundbreaking, however having come to an understanding of what type of writer I am has definitely been eye opening on how I can improve for future assignments.

Pasternak, Lenoid. "The Passion of Creation" 19th century. Public
When it comes to what type of writer I consider myself to be I have learned that I am both a Sequential Composer and a Procrastinator. Writing is a slow and difficult process for me, not unlike hiking an incline of a mountain barefoot on a Monday. Writing more frequently has helped be become a better and faster writer, but there's always room to improve. 

My writing process absolutely doesn't include enough revising after I finish a paper/assignment. Similar to the aspects of the Sequential Composer, I tend to rely on written outlines of what I am going to write and I edit as I go. My Procrastination monster inside me is caused by overthinking the daunting task of writing more than just ideas down on paper for a grade. Ugh. 

Overall, my writing process seems to be successful as I can write what is required almost all of the time. My strengths lie in my planning and outlining, my weaknesses lie in my procrastination, overthinking, and general lack of confidence when getting started. 

It would be interesting to see if my writing improves by not gathering my ideas before writing and instead becoming a Heavy Revisor and editing everything after I am done writing. I think a good balance in writing would be to be a mix of a Heavy revisor and a Sequential Composer. Revising is key, yet improvements can be made by planning ahead.


After reading some of the other posts from my fellow classmates, I have realized that we are all in the same boat. In general we hall have successful habits and challenging habits when it comes to our writing. Kelly and I had very similar writing strategies as we both over analyze every paragraph or sentence as we write.

My other classmate Brian has writing tendencies that I would like to work towards. Both are heavy revisers, they spend time after they write trying to improve their work. It is interesting to see how they view it as having a positive impact on their writing, yet nobody is perfect and everything has something to improve on.  


  1. Hello,

    I have to relate to you when it comes to your writing process,and also in your taste for quality blog art. Like you I am a median between the Heavy Planner and Sequential Composer. I try to plan according to the type of essay assigned and use a form of template as an aid if problems arise.

    However, I am not really a procrastinator. Sure I might leave the bulk of the assignment for the last few days before the due date, but think that I leave enough of a time distance to prevent stress or pressure. In regards to your apparent weakness, if you create a great outline with enough factual information and structure; then that lack of confidence or overthinking will eventually erode away.

    My best advise would be keeping to the Heavy Planning and Sequential Composer attitude towards writing. As long as you set a goal before writing and have a set list of points you wish to bring up, then the need for heavy revision would be nothing but repetitive.

    Good Luck!

  2. First of all, Ive got to say that I think there is a procrastination monster inside of me too! I can totally relate to being a sequential composer and a procrastinator. I wouldn't call myself a complete procrastinator but I definitely hold some of those attributes. Advice I want to give to you for future papers you undoubtedly have to write is to revise more. Revision are just as important as any other stage of writing a paper.

  3. Hi Jessica! I'm in one of the section of Bottai's 109H english. We have to reflect on a blog post so I have some follow up questions for you.
    1. Did the peer editing process help you become more of a reviser in your writing process?
    2. Did having to write many blog posts for every project change your writing process at all?
    3. If you had to describe your writing process now after taking this class what would it be?

    1. 1. I do enjoy how the peer editing process has allotted about a week of time for me to revisit my writing assignment and make changes before I turn my paper in. However, I cant see myself editing my paper on my own in the future without the help of peers and the allotted time set aside for editing.
      2. Having to write so many blog posts for every project helped me better understand the purpose of what I was writing. I knew what and why I had to write an assignment and the requirements were really easy for me to see. However, the daunting task of having to write so many blog posts fueled my bad procrastination habit.
      3. After this class, my writing process is still Sequential Composer and Procrastinator not much has changed. However, I do feel like my understanding of genre and how to write a successful article/argument has improved substantially.
