Friday, August 28, 2015

Calendar Reflection

The rumors about college being the busiest time of your life are TRUE. After filling out a weekly calendar of all my activities and school work, I now understand why college students don't sleep.

CollegeDegrees360. "Two College Girls Learning in the Library"
July 12, 2012. Creative Commons Public License. 
I know that I am the type of person who works well under a busy schedule however I will have to step up my game to stay on top of my job, homework, sorority events, and possibly lacrosse practices. Six hours of homework is a lot of work for just one class. Regardless, this is the life I signed up for.

In order to keep my GPA up and also still be involved I will need to budget my time very carefully. Instead of doing all of my homework the night before it's due I will need to set aside at least one hour each night for each class. The workload will be spread out more and I will have more opportunities to be social and create quality work. It can be done!

After reading Emma's Blog and Nick's Blog I learned that everyone seems to be busy in their own way! I related to Emma as we are both involved in sorority life and with that comes a huge time commitment. I hope to get to the gym often like she does, but I know classwork has to come first. Nick is really busy with his engineering major which I relate to as my architecture major comes with a large and demanding workload. I know that if everyone else is really busy and can manage their time well, I can too.


  1. I commend you for being involved in so much! I myself am already getting that nervous panicky feeling knowing of everything I now have to balance. I agree with 100% though about how this is the life we signed up for. And we're paying for it this time! As such, I am sure to put everything I have into doing things right so I don't have to pay a second time!

    I agree with your method of spreading things out, though I do fear there will be a bit more than one hour for every class. Here's to hoping we can make it through (and with our sanity in tact)!

  2. Hi Jessica,
    I definitely can relate to the stress you are feeling in order to balance out everything. I completely agree with your strategy of pacing everything out equally! That is definitely the best way to be able to balance everything while not feeling overwhelmed or procrastinating. I love your positivity in approaching the matter!
